A sweet dough that also contains milk, butter and sugar. It is soft and smooth in texture with a closely knit crumb and mild crust. In French terminology, the outside of a bread is the croute or crust, and the inside of a bread is the mie or crumb.
Pain de Mie is traditionally baked in closed molds or pans in order to minimize the amount of crust and maximize the amount of crumb, or mie. Our 'Long' and Giant Pain de Mie loaves are baked in closed Pullman pans, but we make this dough into other shapes as well. In some cases referring to these other shapes as Pain de Mie is inappropriate since they are not baked in closed pans.
Oh well! All four divisions of Acme make this dough which comes in the two sizes photographed above right (small, and long) as well as in a giant size (not pictured), which is double the width of the long. Acme also makes this dough into several roll such as torpedos, burger/soft round buns, hot dog buns and slider baby buns.